2010년 9월 15일

Me & art therapy

미술치료에 관한 블로그를 만들 생각을 예전부터 해왔지만, 드디어 남편의 기술적 시간적 응원에 힘입어 Art Therapy Page를 열게 되었습니다. 이 블로그로 통해서 나의 일에 대한 열심과 계획 그리고 일정을 블로그 방문자들과 나누고자 합니다.

미술치료 상담사로써의 배경을 아래에 간단히 몇가지만 올립니다.

  • B.A., Family and Consumer Sciences, Liberty University, Virginia 
  • M.A., Counseling, Liberty University, Virginia  
  • Certificate, Practical Counseling, 연세대, 서울  
  • Post-graduate Certificate, Art Therapy, Notre Dame de Namur University, California 

  • Lynchburg General Hospital, Virginia  
  • Buri Buri Elementary School, California 
  • Grace Community Center, California 
  • Monterey Community Center, California
  • Interim, Inc., California 

댓글 3개:

  1. 안녕하세요!

    저는 뉴욕에 살고있는 진이 라고합니다.
    Art therapy session 후에 저에대한 assessment written report 와 그림을 치료사에게 요구할 수있는 건가요? 아니면 법적으로 허용이 안된는 건가요?

  2. 반갑습니다. 참 좋아하는 뉴욕에 계시군요 ..

    If I understand your question correctly, you are the client and you want to receive the written assessments and your art works. Generally, there are many variables that depend on many conditions. All professional art therapist must have started with a contract, and it depends on your contract (see your contract).

    For further information, see the American Art Therapy Association's "Ethical Principles" at http://www.arttherapy.org/upload/codeofethics.pdf or visit their website at http://www.arttherapy.org/index.html.

  3. Thank you for your answer.
    I looked up the ethical principle of AATA, there was an explanation for the "client has a right to have their art work," but they did not have ethical principle for "written report" and my contract as well.
    Thank you
